Friday, June 14, 2013

Why I'm Destined to Own Entirely Too Many Books

It became clear to me this week why it is just in my destiny to own way way to many books. This has nothing to do with my early reading ability, my family genetics (trust me if your mom is a librarian you are practically required to salivate over books) or anything of that nature. This story highlights the absolutely ridiculous situations I find myself in with frightening regularity (things that seem to happen to no one else).

Earlier in the year I ordered a textbook for one of my online classes, no big deal right? However, there was a screw up with shipping and I ended up with two copies of the textbook. I promptly stuck both of them on a shelf (because even if I "need" the book for class the likelihood of me actually opening it is slim to none) figuring I would deal with the book later.

This week I decided to deal with extra book and I logged onto Amazon to sell the book back. When I discovered I would be getting a 49.00$ credit on my account I was thrilled! Dreams of new books on my Kindle danced in my head as I happily packed the book up and sent it off with the handy prepaid shipping label (and wrapped neatly in a Brahm's bag). Yesterday I get an e-mail that my trade in had been denied and they were sending the book back to me.

Turns out this book has two different ISBNs (two different hardcover editions, one that is significantly cheaper than the other). Turns out I was sold the wrong book (sold the cheaper book at the higher price). At this point I was furious and spouted off a massive ranting email to Amazon (one of my many fabulous hobbies). Because Amazon is an awesome company who always tries to do the right thing they issued a credit of 49.00 to my account and then forwarded the information on to the investigators.

Great! Right? Well, kind of. See the other textbook is still jetting its way back to me and I still have two copies of the same book. When I have the courage to actually get rid of a book it just boomerangs back to me and takes up precious space on my shelf and now I'm too scarred (or lazy) to try again.

In other book news (apparently I have a lot of that) I finished Laurie Notaro's book and I expect to have my review up Monday-ish. (It's shaping up to be a busy weekend). I've selected my next book "The Badlands: More Stories from Midnight in Peking". This is a special e-book companion to the fabulous book "Midnight in Peking" by Paul French. This book was the best book I've read so far this summer and I was thrilled to drop the 3.99 on the companion book (and to be fair this book has only been floating on my Kindle for a week or so, much less time than my other books).

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